Monday, October 29, 2012

Chapter 5 - Toddlerhood

Zenna works extra hard in her profession to get better at putting out fires in case harm ever befalls her darling home and endangers her new daughter. It turns out being a firefighter is teaching her a lot about responsibility.

I guess we should buy a fire alarm....
 She works out,

and upgrades her fire extinguisher,

and, apparently, saves the world.

Zenna is rewarded with more promotions!

She is convinced this painting will help prevent large fires from starting. 

Apparently, though, it's not enough, and she's out the next day saving the lives of Ethan Bunch and Jocasta Bachelor. 

She gets a trophy as thanks. 

Frankie doesn't want his daughter thinking he's a coward and a bad police officer, so he schmoozes with his boss and earns his first promotion. That actually took a lot of guts, Frankie. I'm proud of you.

Frankie also works hard on his garden. They grow just enough to cook with.

With all these promotions happening left and right, the family has enough money to afford a few new things for Bonnie's birthday: a teddy and a spring rider. 

They also splurge on a computer and a telescope. Frankie can now write reports on the various people in town, although he does feel that his manhood is compromised every time he sits down behind this thing. 

Toddler picspam!

A bit of trouble

A glimpse into the future

Zenna and Frankie take a break from their suddenly hectic lifestyles to admire the stars and reminisce. 

"Remember when you were bald?"

"Remember when you were an asshole? Oh right, you still are."


Notes- I was suffering a huge amount of lag and freezing and it was driving me crazy, so I haven't been playing much. I did solve most of the issues though, so I'll be playing more this week. 

I've also been busy stocking up on provisions for the hurricane, and watching Cloud Atlas twice. (Everyone should go see that, it's a movie adaptation of my favorite book!)

Anyway. Happy birthday Bonnie! She looks a lot like Frankie, with his kinda goofy-looking face and big nose, but with her mom's skin tone & hair and eye color. 


  1. Awww. She's a cutie. :D

    Be safe during Hurricane Sandy. I've heard a ton of people are getting affected.

  2. I'm glad you've solved some of your lagging/freezing issues. They really can suck all the fun out of playing.
    And I hope Sandy doesn't hit you too hard! Stay safe!

    For some reason, Bonnie's resemblance to Frankie shows most in the potty training pic, lol.
    I love Zenna's neurotic paintings all over the house.

  3. Aww, Bonnie is very cute.

    I hope everything's ok for you with the hurricane!

  4. Aw Bonnie is cute. I hope you stayed safe during Sandy. And I hope your lag issues continue to remain at bay.
